In the event of an immediate health emergency, contact your local emergency services via phone at 911 or call Campus Safety at 860-439-2222. If you need Urgent Care for a non-life-threatening illness or injury, Hartford HealthCare-GoHealth Urgent Care offers Virtual Visits 7 Days a week.

There are several options available for care when Student Health Services and/or Student Counseling Services are closed. Please use your best judgment on how to care for yourself when we are not open; you may enlist the advice of a housefellow, floor governor, friend or family member. Please note that the use of urgent care and emergency care will both incur fees.

Conditions which could probably wait until Health Services is open may include:

  • Fever that goes down with Tylenol or aspirin
  • Sore throat, colds, cough, earache
  • Minor cuts or burns
  • Skin rash
  • Mild nausea with vomiting or diarrhea without fever
  • Mild burning or irritation on urination
  • Chronic joint or muscle pain/strain

Students on campus having mental health emergencies after hours should contact their Housefellow, Floor Governor or Campus Safety (860-439-2222) for support or to access other services. The administrator-on-call will contact the on-call counselor as needed.

24 Hour Nurseline (for students on the College-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan) 

Students may utilize the Nurseline (800-634-7629) when the school health clinic is closed or anytime they need confidential medical advice. A Registered Nurse counselor will provide a clinical assessment to assist in identifying the appropriate level and source(s) of care for members (based on symptoms reported and/or health care questions asked by or on behalf of Students). Nurses shall not diagnose Member’s ailments.

Local Urgent Care Access

Students who wish to seek primary care/illness care in the evenings, over the weekend, and on breaks may access the clinics listed below. These clinics are not emergency rooms. These clinics care for primary needs such as febrile illnesses, urinary tract infections, viral coughs/colds. Minor injuries, and cuts needing stitches, can be cared for at these clinics as well. Students must have their insurance card with them.

Free Transportation with Lyft

If you need transportation to urgent care, you may take Lyft at no cost to you.  To arrange for Lyft, call Campus Safety at (860) 439-2222.  

After Hours Care


New London
351 N Frontage Rd., New London
Open Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and
Saturday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(860) 865-0934
Walk in or save your spot online at



Connect with a Hartford HealthCare–GoHealth Urgent Care provider by video from your phone, tablet, or computer.
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and
Saturday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Schedule a visit at
Hartford HealthCare-GoHealth Urgent Care Virtual Visit Info

Emergency Care

A medical emergency defined by insurance companies is “a serious illness, injury or health issue that comes on at once. It is also something that a person with an average knowledge of health thinks must be treated right away to avoid loss of life, serious health risk or permanent disability.” Some examples of an emergency are excessive bleeding that does not stop with pressure, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath or suicidal thoughts. Use of emergency room facilities should be considered carefully. Many insurances will charge a co-pay for the visit. The Connecticut College Student Health Insurance, for example, charges a $250 co-pay for use of the emergency room (unless you are admitted as an inpatient). There will also typically be additional charges for any physician visits, testing, medications, labs, etc. that you receive while in the emergency room. You will always have to use your own judgment in making a decision to seek care at the emergency room.

Reasons to go to the Emergency Room:

  • Sexual violence: For more information, download the VAWA Brochure (pdf).
  • Severe shortness of breath Loss of consciousness/change in consciousness/seizure
  • Sudden, severe pain (abdominal, chest, head) which is not relieved with over-the-counter medication
  • A major injury
  • Bleeding that does not stop after 10 minutes of direct pressure, or a deep cut which may need stitches in order to stop the bleeding Poisoning or overdose
  • Severe or worsening reaction to an insect bite or sting, or to a medication, especially if breathing is difficult
  • Severe or persistent vomiting
  • Suicidal or homicidal feelings
  • Severe vaginal bleeding which may indicate a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy

Local Hospitals/ emergency rooms

Lawrence and Memorial Hospital (L&M)

345 Montauk Avenue, New London, CT, 06320
Phone: (860) 442-0711
Open 24 hours

Pequot Medical Center

52 Hazelnut Hill Road, Groton, CT, 06340
Phone: (860) 446-8265
Open from 7 a.m. - 11 p.m.

William H. Backus Hospital

326 Washington Street, Norwich, CT,  06360
(860) 889-8331
Open 24 hours 



Directions to local hospitals/emergency rooms (pdf)

Connecticut College’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

  • Student Counseling Services: 1-860-439-4587
  • Student Health Services: 1-860-439-2275
  • Student Accessibility Services: 1-860-439-5428
  • Student Support Specialists: 1-860-439-2222 or 1-860-439-2412
  • Campus Safety: 1-860-439-2222
  • Office of Wellbeing and Health Promotion: 1-860-439-2826
  • Office of Sexual Violence and Prevention: 1-860-439-2219
  • Office of Religious and Spiritual Support: 1-860-439-5165
  • Gender and Sexuality Programs: 1-860-439-2238
  • CARE Team
  • ULifeline Mental Health Screening

Student Counseling Services After-Hours Support

Call SCS at 860-439-4587 and press #2 or #3 to connect with a mental health counselor

For crisis and/or ongoing counseling support, download the free My SSP App, available on the App Store or Google Play, and connect to an off-campus counselor through the app or call directly at -866-743-7732. (If calling from outside North America, dial 001- 416-380-6578) 

Looking for off-campus mental health care? Search local providers through: Thriving Campus

National and State Crisis Support Resources

Crisis and Suicide Lifeline

  • Lifeline Options For Deaf + Hard of Hearing: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988
  • Línea de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis: 1-888-628-9454
  • Lifeline, available 24/7: text or call 988

National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI)

The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 

National Eating Disorders Helpline: 1-866-488-7386 or Text NEDA to 741741

Peer-Based Support Lines

Adult Crisis Intervention and Options Network: 1-800-HOPE-135 (1-800-467-3135)

Southeast CT Mental Health Authority Crisis Response: 1-860-886-9302

Safe Harbor Warm Line: 1-800-258-1528
If you are not experiencing a crisis or emergency but need someone to talk with, you may call the Safe Harbor Warm Line. The Warm Line is staffed by trained Peer Support Counselors. 

Alcoholics Anonymous 

Narcotics Anonymous

Al-Non and Al-ateen

RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. Its 24/7 hotline provides support, advice, information, and referrals to other resources in a survivor’s local area. Has an online, 24/7 instant message chat hotline

FORGE is an organization that directs transgender and nonbinary sexual assault survivors to the resources they need to address their trauma. The organization is also dedicated to empowering the trans and nonbinary community beyond providing resources.

Love Is Respect is a website that provides different avenues of support for its users. The site outlines what healthy relationships should look like, offers resources specific to LGBTQ+ people, and helps people create safety and exit plans for abusive relationships.

The Network/La Red is an organizing campaign led by survivors of sexual assault focused on the LGBTQ+, BDSM, and polyamorous communities. The campaign offers various resources for help, including a 24/7 confidential support hotline.

Community United Against Violence offers counseling specifically for LGBTQ+ survivors of violence and abuse. It also conducts programs and workshops meant to stop the cycle of violence within and against the queer community.

Connecticut State Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services: 1-800-563-4086

South Central Crisis Service: 1-203-974-7300
An evening and weekend telephone counseling service is available to help you at the following times:
Monday through Friday: 5 PM—8 AM the following morning
Weekends and Holidays: 24 hours per day

Connecticut Sexual Assault Hotline
You can be immediately connected with services in your area by calling the toll-free, 24-hour sexual assault hotline: 1-888-999-5545 English; 1-888-568-8332 Spanish

Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence
All sexual assault advocacy services are free and confidential.
Log into:

Safe Futures: 24/7 Confidential Support Line: 1-860-701-6001
Emergency Walk-in Counseling or by appointment at New London Office
16 Jay Street, New London, CT 06320

New London Court Family Violence Victims Advocate:  1-860-443-3959 x4051 or x4052
Monday through Friday 9am-5pm.

Mental Health Crisis Intervention Services/Mobile Crisis Intervention Services – Connecticut – United Way of Connecticut: Call 211 or visit the eLibrary at