Study Away & SATA Information - Fall & Spring Semesters

Students approved to study away or participate in a SATA program in the fall or spring semester are required to completed a Study Away Approval form, which will be sent to them by the Study Away Office. The form must be completed and submitted by the stated deadline. Once the complete form has been filed, the student's housing assignment will be released and any courses the student has pre-registered for will be deleted.

Students Studying Away (Fall or Spring)

For students who matriculated prior to Fall 2021, including transfer and RTC students, the course work is posted to the student’s transcript with grades and credits and is included in the overall GPA. 

Beginning with students matriculating in Fall 2021, including transfer and RTC students:

  • Grades from courses taken while a student is enrolled in an international Study Away program will appear on a student's transcript, but will not be included in the GPA. Courses taken while enrolled in an international Study Away program may be counted toward the Modes of Inquiry, even though their grades do not count toward a student's grade point average.
  • Grades and credits will be posted and included in the GPA for students on domestic Study Away programs.

Connecticut College is not permitted to change the grades or credits awarded by another institution.

Students who participate in a study away program while at Connecticut College are considered to be full-time Conn students and are reported as such for financial aid and other purposes. Your study away semester is a part of your Connecticut College academic record and all grades and credits must be posted to that record in order to clear you for graduation. 

Course Selection for Study Away

Prior to leaving campus, you should discuss your study away course selections with your faculty adviser.  If you change your course selections after arriving at your program, you must contact your adviser for approval.  If you plan to enroll in a course that will be used for your major or minor, make sure you get pre-approval from the department via email.  You will be able to complete a Course Exception form, when you return and once the courses have been posted, in order for the courses to count toward the major/minor. In order to request that a course count toward a Mode Connections requirement, you will need to receive pre-approval. Please discuss first with your adviser and then send an email to

Review your degree audit in Degree Works to determine where you stand with upper-level credits and requirements, and understand Connecticut College’s degree regulationsOnce your current semester’s grades have been posted, print an unofficial copy of your transcript from Banner Self-Service and bring it with you. You may be asked to demonstrate that you have taken a required pre-requisite in order to enroll in a course.

For most programs, the host institution will award three credits per course.  This means that in order to earn a full semester’s worth of transfer credit, you must register for a minimum of 15 credits for the semester although the study away program might state that full-time status for that program is 12 credits.  Questions about the number of credits the institution will award should be directed to your study away program or institution. In order for Connecticut College to report that you are a full-time student, you must take a full course load. While selecting courses, make sure that you do not register for a course that you have already completed and received credit for here. Students may not receive credit for the same course more than once.

If you are considering a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (Pass/Not Pass) option while on study away, the option must be available at the host institution that you are attending. You must complete appropriate paperwork with the host institution and the grade must be noted on your official transcript from that institution. Connecticut College cannot change another institution’s letter grade to a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (Pass/Not Pass) grade. Students should be aware that pass/fail courses cannot be used to satisfy major/minor/Connections requirements and count toward general credit only. Students considering a pass/fail option should check first with their adviser. 

Receiving Credit for Studying Away

At the conclusion of your program:

  • Request that an official final transcript be sent directly to the attention of the Registrar's office via mail or to
  • The coursework will be evaluated and posted by the end of the drop/add period in the next fall or spring semester in which you return to Connecticut College.
  • Transcripts received by the Registrar's office during the semester will be evaluated and posted within two weeks of receipt.
  • Course exceptions will be applied once the credit has been posted. Please be sure that all course exception forms are on file with the registrar's office once the credit is posted.

Once credit is posted, if it potentially meets the criteria to satisfy a component of Connections, students should reach out to request an evaluation as follows: to the chair of the specific language department for courses that may satisfy the language requirement or to for courses that may satisfy the Modes of Inquiry.

Students Participating in a SATA Program (Fall or Spring)

For students who matriculated prior to Fall 2021, including transfer and RTC students:

  • If you are considering a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (Pass/Not Pass) option while on study away, the option must be available at the host institution that you are attending. You must complete appropriate paperwork with the host institution and the grade must be noted on your official transcript from that institution. Connecticut College cannot change another institution’s letter grade to a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (Pass/Not Pass) grade.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Option for Study Away/Teach Away Programs, beginning with students matriculating in Fall 2021, including transfer and RTC students:

  • Any student participating in a SATA program may elect up to two otherwise letter-graded courses for which the instructor is required to report the final grade as either Satisfactory (S*) or Unsatisfactory (U*). Students electing this option should notify their SATA program instructor at the start of the program; the SATA program instructor will report the S* grade(s) to the registrar’s office at the end of the program.
  • The grade of S* will be awarded for courses completed at or above a letter grade of D-; the grade of U* will be awarded for courses completed below a letter grade of D-. Courses taken with this version of the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option may be counted toward a major, a minor, or any College-wide requirement. Courses for which a student has selected this option will not be considered when computing distinction within a major. A semester in which this option is taken will not count as one of the four semesters for which a student can exercise the standard Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option.
Receiving Credit for SATA

The faculty member leading the SATA will notify the Registrar’s office of the courses you are enrolled in, once you arrive.  If you plan to enroll in a course that will be used for your major or minor, make sure you get pre-approval from the department via email.  You will be able to complete a Course Exception form, when you return and once the credit has been posted, in order for the courses to count toward the major/minor.  Once credit is posted, if it potentially meets the criteria to satisfy a component of Connections, students should reach out to request an evaluation as follows: to the chair of the specific language department for courses that may satisfy the language requirement or to for courses that may satisfy the Modes of Inquiry.

Most of the SATA courses you enroll in will be four credits. Your SATA faculty member can confirm the credit value of the courses that you are enrolled in at the participating institution.  In order for Connecticut College to report that you are a full-time student, you must take a full course load. While selecting courses, make sure that you do not register for a course that you have already completed and received credit for here. Students may not receive credit for the same course more than once. If you have questions about the courses, please discuss with your SATA faculty member. Your SATA faculty member will make arrangements to have final grades reported to the Registrar's office. 

Pre-registration Process While on Study Away or SATA

Any correspondence from the College will be sent to your Connecticut College email address while you are away. Information about registration will be sent to your class year list serv prior to pre-registration advising.  You must get course approval from your adviser and will be unable to access the online registration system until your registration hold has been released.  Pre-registration dates for the semester you will be studying away are available on the Academic Calendar and on the Course Registration page. Students will gain access to the system at 8:50 am EST each day, according to class year.  Please take into consideration how time zones may affect your registration time. 

While you are away, if you will not have internet access to register when the system opens to your class year, you should contact the registrar's office for assistance by emailing and cc'ing Shirley Parson. You must contact the registrar's office by 5 pm on the last day of Advising week and include a list of the CRNS of the courses for which you would like to be registered. You must have resolved all registration holds and obtained course overrides. Late requests cannot be accommodated. 

Staff can help you register into classes only when the system opens to your class year and will make one attempt to register you. Please note the following:

  • Your advising hold must be released and all registration holds must be resolved prior to when the system opens to your class year
  • If a course requires instructor permission, the course override must already be in the system 
  • You may only register for a maximum of 19 credits during pre-registration
  • The registrar's office cannot resolve time conflicts, major/minor or class year restrictions, or seat availability and won't be able to register you for classes that have these errors; You will be able to resolve any issues once you are able to access the system
  • If your advising and registration holds were not resolved or course overrides were not in the system, you will need to resolve these and then register on your own once you are able to access the system